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Writer's pictureSonny Wilson

Fueling Your Fitness: The Importance of Eating Enough Calories

Let's talk about a common misconception in the fitness world: the idea that eating less will get you further. Spoiler alert—it won't. In fact, not eating enough can set you back in more ways than one. Imagine your body is like an iPhone. You start the day with a full charge, but as you go about your day, using your "phone" more and more, your battery starts to drain. Suddenly you're at 20%, and the battery light turns from green to red. You switch your phone into low power mode to save some juice. You can't use the apps you want on low power mode because they drain too much energy. Your screen light is dimmed. And as you keep using your phone for just basic things, it runs out of energy and powers off. That's your body when you don't eat enough calories over a longer period of time.


Instead of not being able to use the apps you want or having a dimmed screen, your thyroid function, digestion, reproductive system, immune system, bone health, and much more are affected. Your body can do "just fine" on too few calories for a period of time, especially when you're young (teens, 20s, even low 30s). But instead of being powered by actual energy (aka calories), your body survives off increased stress hormones and other mechanisms because our bodies evolved to help us survive famines thousands of years ago. Your body WILL get to the point where it has to shift to lower power mode or just shut off. That may happen 6 days from now, or it may happen 6 years from now. But it WILL happen.


 Why You Need to Eat More

1. Energy Levels: Just like your iPhone, your body needs a constant supply of energy to function at its best. Calories are your body's energy currency. When you don't eat enough, you're essentially running on a low battery, which means you can't perform at your best during workouts, at work, or in daily life.


2. Muscle Maintenance and Growth: If you're engaging in regular fitness activities, especially strength training, your body needs extra calories to repair and build muscle. Without sufficient calories, you risk losing muscle mass and strength.


3. Metabolic Health: Eating too few calories can slow down your metabolism. Your body starts to conserve energy by reducing the number of calories it burns, which can make weight loss or maintenance even more challenging.


4. Hormonal Balance: Calories play a crucial role in maintaining hormonal balance. Insufficient calorie intake can disrupt your hormones, leading to issues with thyroid function, reproductive health, and even your mood.


5. Immune Function: A well-fed body is better equipped to fight off illnesses. When you're under-eating, your immune system can't function optimally, making you more susceptible to colds, infections, and other health issues.


6. Bone Health: Adequate nutrition is essential for maintaining strong bones. Insufficient calorie intake can lead to weakened bones and increase your risk of fractures and osteoporosis.


 Plugging Back into the Charger

It's up to you to decide if you're going to plug your body back into the charger or continue to survive on low power mode until you eventually shut off. Here's how you can ensure you're eating enough to support your fitness lifestyle:


- Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger cues and eat when you're hungry. Don't ignore your body's signals.

- Balance Your Plate: Include a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in your meals to ensure you're getting a well-rounded intake of nutrients.

- Frequent Meals: Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day can help keep your energy levels stable and prevent overeating at any one meal.

- Nutrient-Dense Foods: Focus on eating nutrient-dense foods that provide a lot of vitamins and minerals for the calories they contain. Think fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.

- Hydrate: Sometimes, we mistake thirst for hunger. Make sure you're drinking enough water throughout the day.


Remember, your body is an incredible machine that needs the right fuel to operate efficiently. Don't let it run on empty. Eat enough to support your active lifestyle, and you'll see better performance, improved health, and greater overall well-being.

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